Blog 23
Original Student work:
One to one school: Technology that has
become pretty standard now a days. The
I-pads have Schoology on them and each art assignment
is accompanied with schoology questions.
Supporting documents, links to artist, power points, videos, and word
documents are all posted on Schoology under class folders for students use. Often the students are required to research
an artist or style on their I-pad themselves before starting an
assignment. Students are required to
collect and maintain a continuing portfolio of work on Artsonia is an excellent site for this because
the account will follow the student all the way from pre- school to 12th
grade. The students maintain this
account on their own and can add art work from home. This helps students with the belief that their
work is important and they can see improvement over time. It also uses hands on learning techniques.
What I questioned was: when the students would look
up the examples of the current assignment and copy a full design (completely) from the
internet. There was one class that seemed
inclined to do this a lot. An example of
this was when Several students looked up cartoon designs and
copied them to the letter. The assignment was based off artist Bataclan's work and to draw something to make someone smile
(no coping, no cartoon characters), on a 4 year old level, outline in sharpie, color
in high intensity, and fill in space. They still copied illustrations, instead of
creating their own. The same thing happened
on several other assignments, they would even place the paper on the I-pad and
trace the whole design.
Bren Bataclan
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