Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Create a Synectic Work of Art

Using the Elements and Principles of Design to Create a Synectic Work of Art.
Elements & Principles of Design:
The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used by artists to create a work of art. They are:

 We are going to use:

#1. Line
#2. Shape
1.      Line is a mark with greater length than width. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal; straight or curved; thick or thin.
2.      Shape is a closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and circles; or organic, like free-form or natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length and width. 
#3. Balance

#4. Pattern

#5. Unity
3.      Balance in art refers to the sense of distribution of perceived visual weights that offset one another.
4.      Pattern, elements of a pattern repeat in a predictable manner; a geometric pattern is a kind of pattern formed of geometric shapes and typically repeating (like a wallpaper).
5.      Unity is the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements function together. It gives a sense of oneness to a visual image.  In other words, the words and the images work together to create meaning. 
A Little About SYNECTICS and ART:Synectics is a problem solving methodology that stimulates thought processes of which the subject may be unaware. In art it is a technique for improving creative problem solving by putting something you don't know in terms of something you do you know. The art style developed in Europe in the 1920's, characterized by using the subconscious as a source of creativity to liberate pictorial subjects and ideas.  The term Synectics is from the Greek word synectikos, which means “bringing forth together,” or “bringing different things into unified connection

The Lesson

1.1 Synectic Energy Encounter
Concept: two different force fields can be combined in a single plane of reference
The Elements and Principles of Design: Lines, Shapes. Pattern
Key Synectic Trigger Mechanisms: Repeat, Combine, Superimpose, Animate.

Materials: Drawing paper, black waterproof felt-tipped pens, plastic template (optional)
Example of Synectic artwork
Lesson: Imagine two different “Forces”   of abstract shapes interacting in the same visual space.  Symbolize each “army” in a different way. i.e., by straight, curved or dotted lines, or lines made up of letters, numbers, etc. . . .  With a black felt tipped pen, “weave” the symbolic lines together to produce a hybrids “energy texture”.  *You can add one color as a conflicting element. 

Synectic art

Synectic art by Mihaio

Synectic art by Mihaio

*Another idea you may want to try is:
1.2 Synectic Hybrid Encounter

Concept: A war of shapes can produce hybrids

The Elements and Principles of Design: Shape, Unity, Balance

Key Synetic Trigger Mechanisms: Repeat, Superimpose, Hybridize, Symbolize

Materials: Colored construction paper, scissors, ruler, compass, glue stick

Lesson: Using colored paper, cut out repetitive units of two different shapes and colors (ex. Circles and squares). Deploy the units from different sides on contrasting background paper. Depict an encounter and production of hybrid shapes.  The “Unity” shapes should be unique, but exhibit characteristics of both original shapes.
Synectic art by Mihaio

Synectic art

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